Medscape Course: EHRs and HIPAA
- Due Jun 11, 2017 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
These instructions have been revised as of 06/07/17:
Sign up for a free Medscape account at; Select the CME & Education tab; type “HIPAA” in the Search field; then select the course, “Patient Privacy: A Guide for Providers.”
The course consists of a 23-minute video by Leon Rodriguez, director of the Office of Civil Rights. Although the quiz that goes along with this video has expired and is no longer available, the video still has some good information. At the completion of the video, take a screen shot of the last slide. Submit it through the assignment link.
In the text entry box, briefly discuss 2 things that you learned from the video.