Course Syllabus
Instructor: Sheila Hailey
Office: Herrin-Stewart 309
Hinds Community College
PO BOX 1100
Raymond, MS 39154
Office Phone: 601.857-3241
Cell Phone: 601.454-0431
Office Hours: By appointment.
I. Required Materials:
Western Civilization: A Brief History, 8th ed. by Spielvogel You may purchase the textbook or online edition
In The Wake of the Plague by Norman Cantor
These may be purchased in the bookstore. .
The bookstore phone number for ONLINE STUDENTS is 601-857-3462
II. Course Description:
A survey of the history of civilization in the ancient, classical and medieval Western World until 1600 C.E. including: the development of civilization; the ancient middle east and Mediterranean world; the world of the Greeks and Romans; the middle ages; and the beginnings of the early modern world in the Renaissance and Reformation.
III. Goals and Objectives:
Course Goals:
1. To perceive, appreciate and transmit knowledge of the past and to provide an understanding of the human condition.
2. To increase understanding of a multicultural environment and demonstrate the unity and diversity of the Western experience.
3. To improve the understanding of students’ own cultures.
4. To help remove myths and stereotypes.
5. To improve writing skills, to develop critical thinking, to encourage library use, to facilitate transference of skills across disciplines with the use of technology.
Course Objectives: (Competencies)
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the political, social, and cultural events taking place in the Fertile Crescent.
*2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the scientific, philosophical, economic, and political legacy of the Hellenic and Hellenistic ages.
3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the influence of Rome on the European legacy including the development of Christianity and Islam.
4. Students will demonstrate an understanding to the period of the middle ages, when Europe developed into Christendom.
5. Students will gain an understanding of the transitional period of the Renaissance and Reformation and how this bridged the periods of the middle ages and the early modern period.
*Supports the development of the Institutional Competency for effective writing.
IV. Instructional Techniques:
The student will acquire knowledge and participate in this class through the use of:
1. Instructor Comments at the beginning of each Unit.
2. Mini-Lectures to supplement reading material.
3. Reading Assignments in the Textbook, from supplemental works, or from Instructor generated assignments concerning the readings from the chapters
4. Weekly discussion/writing assignments.
5. Chapter quizzes designed to development reading retention.
V. Evaluation:
Your final grade in this course depends on your performance on the following:
1) Two proctored Examinations –
Unit examinations will be scheduled at the conclusion of each unit of material covered. These examinations will contain identifications, and long essays. These examinations are proctored at various sites. You will need to make an appointment to take these exams.
2) Class Participation –
Each student will be required to participate in weekly assignments, which may include discussion boards, weekly assignments, and chats.
3) Chapter Quizzes
There will be a multiple-choice quiz for each chapter in the text. All of these quizzes will be accessible as we come to that chapter of material. They will remain online through that unit. Once the quiz is “off-line” it will no longer be available and you will receive 0 points. You are allowed to use your text while you take this quiz.
VI. Testing:
Unit examinations will be assigned at the conclusion of each academic unit on a date assigned by the instructor. These tests will include identification and essay questions. Test material will come from assigned readings in the textbook or from outside sources assigned by the instructor, class discussions, and chats. These tests will be taken at a proctored site. More information will be posted on the course site concerning testing at the appropriate time.
ALL students are EXPECTED to be present for all scheduled tests. If a student misses an examination, it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to contact the instructor as soon as possible.
VII. Grading:
Grades will be computed to a percentage scale:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 0 – 59%
VIII. Attendance:
Students are expected to be present for all required class sessions, including scheduled Chats. Attendance will consist of taking the regularly scheduled tests, completing regularly scheduled assignments, and participation in class activities. Participation (logging on to the class site to check for announcements, assignments, etc.) will be monitored by the instructor as well. Just logging in is not considered attendance, you must complete the assigned work and take the quizzes. Failure to participate actively in the course will result in a warning notice being sent to the student. If participation continues to be lacking, said student will be dropped from the course with a grade of F.
IX. Withdrawal:
Please note the withdrawal date for this class as posted in course schedule link. After this date, course withdrawals will not be possible. Please note that this is earlier than the withdrawal deadline for traditional classes. If you are a HINDSCC student, you will need to go by one of the Hinds campuses and complete a form, or call the Distance Learning Office 601-857-3257 and request to have a form faxed to you, or a form may be emailed to you provided you have Adobe Acrobat and are able to access the form and fax it. If you are NOT a Hinds student, please adhere to your school’s withdrawal procedures.
X. Official Hinds CC Notice of Non-discrimination Statement:
Hinds Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or veteran status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dr. Debra Mays-Jackson, Vice President for Administrative Services, 34175 Hwy. 18, Utica, MS 39175; 601.885.7001.
XI. Official Hinds CC Disability Support Services Statement: Hinds Community College provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Disability Services staff members verify eligibility for accommodations and work with eligible students who have self-identified and provided current documentation. Students with disabilities should schedule an appointment with the designated Disability Services staff member on their respective campuses to establish a plan for reasonable, appropriate classroom accommodations.
XII. Video Surveillance
Hinds Community College utilizes Video Surveillance Cameras in order to enhance security and personal safety on its campuses. It has been determined that use of this equipment may prevent losses and aid in the law enforcement activities of the Hinds Campus Police. To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights in accordance with the law, a formal Policy on the Use and Installation of Video Surveillance Equipment has been written to standardize procedures for the installation of this type of equipment and the handling, viewing, retention, and destruction of recorded media. Under no circumstances shall the contents of any captured audio or video recordings be exploited for purposes of profit or commercial publication, nor shall recordings be publicly distributed except as may be required by law.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |