Ch 8 Learning Objectives

  • Define and discuss structured and unstructured data.
  • Define data mining and its relationship to structured and unstructured data.
  • Explain manual and automated methods of data collection.
  • Identify the elements of a history and physical examination.
  • Understand how to enter progress notes into an EHR, as well as the role of assessments, orders, test results, and other clinical documentation in the EHR system.
  • Define cloned notes and their related concerns.
  • Define e-prescribing and its benefits and challenges.
  • Modify an e-prescription and override a drug allergy notification.
  • Understand clinical results reporting and discuss manual and automatic methods of results entry into the EHR.
  • Understand how EHR systems support public health initiatives.
  • Create a Meaningful Use Report via the EHR Navigator.
  • Report an immunization.