Distance Learning Roadmap
Distance Learning Student Guide
Please read and understand the Distance Learning Student Guide regarding policies and procedures for the distance learning program. The student guide can be found on this webpage on the Hinds website: http://www.hindscc.edu/programs-of-study/elearning/Distance-Learning-Orientation/index#gsc.tab=0
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Are online classes right for you? Become an Online Student Success!
Online classes are very different than traditional courses. Make sure they are right for you by utilizing the BOSS program on the Hinds Community College eLearning Website. This program will prepare you with the information and skills you need to be successful in the online program at Hinds Community College.
The BOSS Orientation Program will provide valuable information for you that will prepare you for online course delivery. It includes information about Policies and Procedures, a SmarterMeasure assessment, Top Ten Tips for Success, Canvas training, and important dates for this semester.
Canvas Training
Hinds will be using Canvas as the learning management system for all courses. Students can use this link to explore some of the basic functions of Canvas including how to navigate the system, submit assignments, take assessments, view announcements, post to discussion boards, and more! Click Here to access the student tutorials.
Student Profile
Your MSVCC Student Profile will allow you to verify enrollment in your online classes and view instructor and textbook information. If you find any discrepancies in your profile, please contact the counselor/advisor who registered you for online courses.
Use your Hinds email address in the format of A1234567@hindscc.edu (first initial of last name + Hinds ID number) and your Hinds ID number (1234567) to access your Student Profile
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Orientation Survey
The orientation survey is assessing your knowledge of the orientation material provided to you on the eLearning portion of the Hinds website. Please be sure you have read and understand the information found on the Hinds eLearning
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Once you have reviewed this information, click the Next button below right. You will now take the Distance Learning Orientation Survey.