Distance Learning Policies and Procedures


All policies listed below are specific to Hinds Community College but will provide guidance for all students.


In classes where a textbook is required, students must be in possession of the book during the first week of class. Unapproved or late financial aid is not a reason for not purchasing the book.  Students have the option to place Distance Learning textbook orders by submitting an order form to the online bookstore via email. Please visit the Hinds eLearning Website Links to an external site. and click on "How do I get started?" for more information.

Beginning summer 2015, some courses will provide all course materials, including ebook and online resources, from within Canvas.  Students are charged those resource fees at registration.  Your Enrollment Tool Student Profile will provide the most accurate textbook information before classes begin. 


Attendance for Online Courses

Please be aware that attendance is counted weekly for online classes.  Failure to complete work in a course will result in an absence for that week (please refer to your instructor's syllabus for specifics concerning attendance for a course).  Once a student has received two absences (for fall or spring term) they will be sent a Notice of Absence (NOA).  They will have seven days to respond to their instructor and are not allowed any more absences.  Once the student receives the third absence they will be dropped from the course with a grade of F.  (In the 8-week terms and the summer term a warning will be sent after one absence and the student is dropped after two absences). Please be sure to stay up-to-date in all courses.

Online Holiday Policy

Instruction in online classes will continue during holidays that occur during the semester. 

No-Show Policy (for online courses)

Students MUST participate during the first week of class in order to remain in the course. Unapproved or late approved financial aid is NOT a reason for not participating. Any student who wishes to remain active in the course, regardless of financial aid status, must participate in the first week (according to course deadlines).

A student who has not completed any work in the course will be dropped as a no show.


Proctored Testing Policy

All online courses taught by Hinds Community College are required to have at least two proctored exams.  A proctored exam is scheduled with a "proctor" in a secure testing environment.  The proctor will receive a password that will allow the student to test for their scheduled course. Please see your course schedule for when to schedule these tests.

For information on how to schedule a proctored exam at Hinds, please click here Links to an external site.

Proctored Testing Lab Rules:

  • If you are more than 15 minutes late from the starting time of your appointment, you may be treated as a walk-in.
  • No food, drinks or tobacco products allowed in the building.
  • No children allowed in the building.
  • NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED, even to be used as calculators!
  • Students suspected of cheating may be recorded and reported. Proctors may or may not notify the student. Instructors will determine consequences of any suspected cheating.
  • Students are NOT allowed to leave the testing lab during the test for any reason. Tests will be closed if a student leaves the lab.
  • Nothing on desktops unless approved by the proctor.
  • No hats, hoodies, or toboggans allowed.


Withdrawal Policy (for online courses)

Hinds students can withdraw from online classes through MyHinds.  Please visit MyHinds Links to an external site., login, and click on Register and Drop Sections under the Registration header.  Students may begin to withdraw from an online class beginning the first day after drop/add. If you are requesting to completely withdraw from school, you will need to contact the Counseling Office to request a "Complete Withdrawal" form.  Please remember to read the section concerning funding and financial aid. Financial Aid may be affected by withdrawal. Students must continue to participate in the course until the withdrawal can be processed.

 If you are NOT a Hinds' student, but enrolled from another institution, you will need to contact your Registrar's office or eLearning/Distance Learning office at the host institution.

The last day to withdraw from a Fall 2015 1st 8 - Week online course is October 2, 2015.

The last day to withdraw from a Fall 2015 full term online course is November 6, 2015.

The last day to withdraw from a Fall 2015 2nd 8-week online course is November 27, 2015.



 The term "netiquette" is a compound of the words "network" and "etiquette". It refers to acceptable codes of practice for interacting with others while online. In order to prevent misunderstandings and promote engaging and meaningful collaboration, extra care must be taken into how you express yourself in your written communication.

 How to Communicate

 Be professional as you communicate. Reread your written text before posting or emailing.  In much of the corporate world, writing in all caps is considered yelling and, therefore, is not acceptable in any online communication, nor is texting lingo.

  • Be considerate. Think about how your words affect others.
  • Be respectful of the opinions of others and respect your instructor.
  • Be calm. Try to keep your emotions out of class.
  • Humor and sarcasm. Because there are no visual cues in distance education, humor and sarcasm are impossible to discern. Be very careful when interjecting humor and refrain from using any remarks that are sarcastic in nature.
  • Harassment and other offensive behavior. The online learning environment is no place to harass, threaten, or embarrass others. Comments that can be viewed, as offensive, sexist, or racially motivated will not be tolerated.
  • Offensive material. Students may not post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that is racially, religiously, or ethnically offensive or is harmful, abusive, vulgar, sexually explicit, otherwise potentially offensive.
  • Copyrights and intellectual property. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.  Ideas that are copied should always be cited correctly.