Food Safety Assignment
- Due Jul 19, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
Your attendance this week is based on this discussion question. Be sure to complete any other assignments/quizzes/tests that are due before you Final exam.
1. Look up your five of your favorite restaurants on the health dept inspection website.,1911,231,203.htm (Links to an external site.)
2. Discuss the five restaurants grade for the past 5 years and their violations. You can click on details to see the violations. Does this change your opinion of your favorite restaurant?
3. Research and discuss the current Mississippi Cottage law on buying prepared food from those that operate a kitchen or bakery out of their home.
4. Would you purchase food from someone that doesn't have any food safety training, a routinely inspected kitchen and prepare out of a home without a separate food service kitchen?
5. Research and discuss how many cases of foodborne illness is needed in order to call and report a case/complaint to the Dept of Health.