Course Syllabus

Introduction to Geography – GEO 1113 - World Regional Geography



Fall Semester, 2015, Online Class


Instructor: Lindsey O. Murphy, 601.278.7433,


Contact Information: The best way to get in touch with me is by email. I check my email multiple times a day. I will respond to your email questions within 36 hours with the exception of holidays and if I am out of pocket. If I am going to be out of pocket I will let you know on the announcements page of blackboard and in that case you can call me at the number listed above.


Description: This course is designed to give the student a global look at the world. We will examine landforms, people, behavior, and many other topics that make the world the way it is.


Textbook: Diversity and Globalization (4th Edition), and an Atlas


Attendance Policy: Attendance in the class is mandatory. Since this course is online there is no way to validate your input in the class except for your assignments. All of your weekly assignments counted as part of your attendance so if you do not turn in an assignment for the week you will not get credit for being here and it could in turn result in your removal in the class. If you have a problem and one of your assignments is going to be late let me know in advance and maybe we can work something out. Once the assignment is late you will not receive full credit – every day that the assignment is late you will receive a 10% deduction on that assignment.


Cheating Policy:

                  If you are caught, cheating in this class on any assignment you and the individual with whom you cheated will receive ZERO’S for the assignment. At that time the following procedures will be followed.  

                  In situations in or outside the classroom where some degree of collaboration is permissible, it is the responsibility of the instructor to give written instructions to his/her classes, specifically stating what forms of collaboration are unauthorized. When procedures are not clearly understood, it is the responsibility of the student to consult with the instructor.

                  Cheating on any examination, quiz, work to be completed in class assigned work to be completed outside class; cheating on term papers; cheating on final examinations; plagiarism on any assignment; theft or attempted theft of examination questions or possession of examination questions prior to the time for examination period shall be offenses subject to the following penalties.

                  The penalty for commission of any offense set our above is failure in the course and possible dismissal or suspension for the College. In any case where the instructor believes that an offense has been committed, the following procedure will be observed:

                  The instructor will immediately inform the student, the department chairperson, the Academic Dean or Career-Technical Dean and the Dean of Students/appropriate dean that the offense has been committed and the grade penalty has been imposed. If further action is deemed necessary, the Dean of Students/appropriate dean, upon notification by the department chairperson, will request the Disciplinary committee to conduct a hearing in the matter and to make recommendations to the Vice-President. In any case in which the student has been accused, the student may appeal to the local Student Affairs Committee. (Demerits: 5 minimum 15 maximum)

Grading scale:

         Grading Scale: 100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C; 69-60=D; 59-0=F


Calendar and Assignments:

See Course Due Dates Page in Housekeeping Module


Proctored Testing Sites:

                  The sites are on the following webpage:


Official Hinds CC Notice of Non-discrimination Statement:

Hinds Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or veteran status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dr. George Barnes, Vice President for Administrative and Student Services, 34175 Hwy 18, Utica, MS 39175; 601.885.7001.

Official Hinds CC Disability Support Services Statement: Hinds Community College provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Disability Services staff members verify eligibility for accommodations and work with eligible students who have self-identified and provided current documentation. Students with disabilities should schedule an appointment with the designated Disability Services staff member on their respective campuses to establish a plan for reasonable, appropriate classroom accommodationsFor a full list of contact information for each Hinds campus, please visit

Video Surveillance

Hinds Community College utilizes Video Surveillance Cameras in order to enhance security and personal safety on its campuses. It has been determined that use of this equipment may prevent losses and aid in the law enforcement activities of the Hinds Campus Police. To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights in accordance with the law, a formal Policy on the Use and Installation of Video Surveillance Equipment has been written to standardize procedures for the installation of this type of equipment and the handling, viewing, retention, and destruction of recorded media. Under no circumstances shall the contents of any captured audio or video recordings be exploited for purposes of profit or commercial publication, nor shall recordings be publicly distributed except as may be required by law.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due