Library Resources Information
March 23, 2020
Free Wifi:
Libraries from across the state (public, academic and special) have pulled together to make a listing of WiFi parking lots and academic centers where anyone can access the WiFi from their car.
URL to Map:
URL to listing:
Hinds Libraries-
The libraries’ service desks have gone online to help students and faculty in any way possible. Beginning today, March 23, you can chat live with the library between 7:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. M-Th, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri and 4 p.m.-9 p.m. Sun. You can also schedule a time to talk one-on-one with someone for more comprehensive assistance. Library staff from all campuses will be manning the chat and one-on-one scheduler. The links to both are at the top of the library page.
The library doors are closed to the public and they will not be checking out or in materials to anyone for fear of spreading COVID-19. We've extended due dates to the end of the semester and of course, waived fees. If faculty or students need anything, the library is making every effort to purchase it online for them. Do not hesitate to let them know what you need! (Contact
Many vendors have offered the libraries free trials to their databases during this crisis. They are listed on the Databases and Resources by Subject page on the web site.