Discussion Module 8 - Whats in the hospital closet ?
- Due Jun 25, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 30
- Submitting a text entry box
Part 1:
Read the Skeleton in the Hospital Closet article listed in your module. Answer the questions below:
Butterworth Article Questions
Case 1
1. What was his admission diagnosis
2. How many weeks passed before he was given any nutritional feeding?
3. What occurred after the tube feeding was given and why did this occur?
4. What was his main source of nutrition before the tube feeding was given?
5. How long did it take him to heal and be discharged from the facility?
6. Do Vitamin C and Zinc play a role in wound healing?
Case 2
1. How much weight loss was documented during the patients hospital stay?
2. How could this weight loss have been prevented?
3. What is the cause of glossitis ?
4. What causes hair loss and easy pluckable hair?
5. What is parenteral nutrition?
6. Do you think he died from nutrition related causes?
Case 3
1. What causes bilateral symmetrical scaly dermatitis of wrists, hands, ankles, and
2. What type of diet typically causes this?
3. Do you believe these types of cases exist in our modern hospital facilities?
What are five steps that hospitals/medical staff can take to prevent hospital malnutrition?
How many deaths today are caused by iatrogenic causes/medical error? Research this online