Assignment: Contact Information
- Due Jun 4, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 15
- Submitting a text entry box
Please submit your contact information here. Occasionally, I may need to call you and I need accurate contact information for you. Please list two phone numbers if possible and list if I can call you or text.
Send me a TEXT this week! 601-706-9828
Let me know your name and your class. You are in FCS 1233 or 1253. Save my number and text me whenever you may have a question. I will save your number and may have to text you if I have a question or need to inform you of a deadline or missing info on an assignment.
Also, list another email that you regularly check. I will email you to this email if you do not reply to your canvas messages but all announcements and class emails will go to your canvas messages and hinds email. Please be sure to setup your canvas account so you get notifications to your email and phone.
Thank you!!