Welcome to Nutrition online! This is our virtual "classroom." You need to find out where things are located, so use the menu on the left to move around the virtual classroom and explore each area. Click each menu link and take just a quick peek at what that area contains.

How to Get Help?  If you need help at any point in the course, click “Help” located  at the bottom left hand corner of the Canvas screen.

  • Most technical issues can be resolved from searching the Canvas Quickstart Student Guide (

  • For questions about course content, click Help to contact your instructor. Content issues will include finding links and locating information and materials in the course site.

  • To send an email message anytime, click "Inbox" and select your instructor from the list for your nutrition course.


Once you have explored each menu area, click and read each of the topics below.


What to Expect from the Course? 

Download Expectations for your online class pdf.pdf

(click to open and print) 

The Notebook

To keep track of all notes and other documents for the course, you should organize a medium size 3-ring binding with indexing sheets. Items to print and file will include:

  1. Print the syllabus with the calendar and class projects.

  2. Keep a calendar for important due dates.  You can print one from this site

  3. Keep a copy of all instructions for completing the various assignments.

  4. Print and file a copy of each assignment you submit.

  5. Keep a record of your scores for each quiz and proctored exams (include dates).

  6. Be sure to label a section of your notebook for the diet analysis project.



Click Syllabus on the Left hand menu button and print a copy of your Syllabus


Read the following tips on how this class works, click below:

    (click to open/print)

Download How this online class works!.pdf

What to do Next:

Once you have completed all instructions on this page, click "Modules" to get started with Module-1.